!Audacious Church
Josh Cocker and his family have recently moved to Sheffield to start a new branch of !Audacious Church. We caught up with him to find out more.
Home from home Hallam
We are a group of individuals from parishes within the Catholic Diocese of Hallam, who have responded to this call. The family we want to help will be the victims of war – just one of the many families that we see on our televisions and read about in the newspapers nearly every day.
Church Grafting
But we have a God who is, by his own very nature, a missionary God, and one who has promised to “build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”
Welling up at Woodseats
You can’t lead people to a place you aren’t prepared to go yourself. There are many courses you can do and many books you can read, but never step out of complete dependence on the Holy Spirit.
Knit together with love
Doctors have begun to social prescribe patients to me to join a knitting group, so I have written a 10-week knitting course teaching beginners the skills they need to knit hats. This is helping to connect lonely and isolated people, improving their wellbeing.
Being ‘Church’ to people in need
I started EthicalMuch.com as a ‘good news’ website in 2019, and in 2020 pivoted it into a system for buying and delivering the best food parcels in Sheffield. I go to Aldi and buy a week’s worth of fresh shopping, usually around £25-worth, and deliver it to people in poverty. All they need to do is ask. No admin, no forms, just ask and you shall receive.
Of Palm Trees and Planting
“We’ve just been blown away by how well we’ve been received by other churches around Sheffield. Through those connections some churches have even contacted us out of the blue to offer us financial gifts, which is just wonderful!”
Attercliffe Centre of Mission
In March 2020, Kinder and Gina Kalsi moved into Attercliffe to set up a Centre of Mission, for Church Army and Sheffield Diocese, in partnership with other church denominations. This is their story so far.
It’s time to Dream Again
When a person of vision encounters failure they do not capitulate. Even when they fall, even if they have to start all over again, they get up and get going until they achieve their desired results.
Faith at Home
The instruction to go and make disciples of all nations starts in our own homes! As a parent, it’s my responsibility to disciple my kids, and Alice’s faith and boldness has also inspired and challenged me.
Faith at Work
There are loads of Christians working in schools across Sheffield, and my hope is that they can all be a part of this network where we can pray for each other, and for the world of Education in Sheffield.
Who is my neighbour?
Jesus asks us to love our neighbour and here he turns the tables and suggests that we will know who our neighbour is when we are shown mercy at a time of need. If we don’t allow others to show us mercy we may never know who our neighbour is.
The origins of Halloween
It is an opportunity for the children to dress up and to have a party with family and friends. However, the ghoulish celebration that Halloween has become for many is a long way from its Christian origin – the celebration of the Feast of All Saints.
It’s time to awaken your digital evangelist
Use the social networks that you are confident with, and if you’re unsure how platforms work then search YouTube for videos about how to use platforms well. Take the time to understand the culture of your preferred social networks (each is different) as this will help you to be more authentic.
Summer Prophetic Challenge
The main reason is that it’s what I felt God asking me to do. I also think lockdown has made a lot of people very introspective: they’ve started reflecting and asking questions. The Bible and the events of Jesus’ life have certainly been sticking out a lot more to me recently
The Church without Walls
What you’ve stumbled across is Weston Park church, a group of passionate Christians who gather every Sunday to meet and share the news of God’s love with passers-by.
Plant, plant, and plant again!
For 225 years, Greenhill Methodist Church has been a Spirit-filled discipleship community serving Greenhill and the surrounding area, Jonathan shares with us the story of their building development.
St. Vincent’s Mission Hub
They come to mass to be fed by Jesus, in order to be sent out into the world to serve Him and make Him known.
What does it mean to seek the welfare of our city?
Seeking the welfare of the city requires the church of Jesus Christ to be first engaged and second, both reactive and proactive, pastoral and prophetic.