Practising the Presence of God

Pippa Baker

I am blessed to work with the Church all over the UK which means that I spend many hours – and a fair bit of money – on train trips. Towards the end of last year living out of a suitcase had begun to take a toll and as a result, I had missed a couple of my trains. For some reason this really grated on me, and I ‘lost my cool’ more than I would like to admit. 

A week or so later, I was heading to the station again when my plans were disrupted by a cancelled cab and I realised I was about to miss another train. Memories of my recent frustration popped into my mind - and the temptation to misplace my peace arose within me again - so slightly half-heartedly I turned to the Holy Spirit. “OK Lord, I want to live differently today: help me be at peace and to live in your presence.” 

I quietly ordered another taxi and thought I may as well try to get on the next train to London, knowing my ticket wouldn’t be valid. As I boarded the train, I prayed again, “Lord, send me a nice ticket inspector who will be alright with this situation!”

When the inspector entered the carriage, I sensed this deep peace in my heart: if I had to pay the extra fare - even if it would have been a real stretch for me - God would provide. When the inspector reached my seat I explained what happened and waited for his response. His eyes crinkled up into a smile behind his mask as he replied, “No worries love, these things happen!”

I was so relieved, and thanked him, mentioning I had been praying for a friendly ticket person. The next thing I knew, he had upgraded me to first class, and handed me a free coffee and a sweet treat. As if that wasn’t enough of a blessing, my excitement reached a climax as I noticed that the label on the snack read ‘Heavenly Bakes’.

It’s safe to say the inspector didn’t quite know what to do with such an enthusiastic Christian! 

Of course, not every hardship finishes with first class upgrades and chocolate treats, but the real miracle that day was the peace I felt in knowing God was with me. Living aware of the presence of God significantly changed my day. 

In that moment on the train, I was reminded of the astonishing and life-changing mystery of Christmas, when Jesus – God in flesh – was born into a messy, smelly, dark stable, revealing the truth about how he wants to be born into the messy, smelly, dark parts of our hearts.

Sometimes, as we move on from Christmastime into the new year, it’s easy to forget that we’re doing so with Jesus born afresh in us. He has declared so powerfully that he is Emmanuel, God with us – and that invitation is for us to truly live with him and in him every day. 

That’s the offer I feel the Lord extending to me this 2022 – practising His presence, living in His spirit and relying on His strength. I know that not everything will go my way, but my God is with me, and His presence changes my daily living. Do you want this too? I believe this is for you!

There’s a great book about this called ‘The Practice of the Presence of God’ by Brother Lawrence – a simple but deeply profound 17th Century Carmelite Friar. It’s a very small book with some very large truths. May we all, over these coming months of 2022, come to be more aware of the Lord with us, and live in His kingdom of joy and peace – even on train journeys.

Full time missionary, Pippa Baker worked in the Advertising industry for 6 and a half years in Central London. In 2017 she felt the call to quit her job to pursue a life working with the Church all over the UK. Her passion lies in helping the next generation follow Jesus daily. She helps lead One Hope Project, a creative collective encouraging fresh expressions of worship in the Catholic Church. 


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!Audacious Church