Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox
Bishop of Sheffield
“Christians are one. It's not that we should be one: we are one. If you belong to Jesus, then you belong to me and I belong to you, and it's really important - given that we spend so much of our time in separate local Christian congregations - that we do something visibly together. What could be better than to pray for the people of our city, and to pray for God's blessing on our city, so I commend to you wholeheartedly: Arise!”
Bishop Ralph Heskett
Bishop of Hallam
"Our places of worship are hallowed, not only by God’s presence, but also by the prayers of those who gather. This year, once again, Arise will hallow the streets of Sheffield with a month’s prayer walking during March. I am sure it will bring many blessings to our city. Along with other members of the Catholic Community in Sheffield, I look forward to sharing in the experience and being part of it."
Revd Dr Nike Adebajo
Regional Minister, Yorkshire Baptist Association
“Our God has a big missional vision to see all peoples and nations blessed and restored to relationship with Him. His promise to Abram was that through him all the nations of the earth will be blessed (Gen 12:3). This promise finds its fulfilment in Jesus our Saviour and the Saviour of the world. This vision to see our city blessed and its peoples have the opportunity to hear the Good News, fits right in with God’s Missional heart and purposes. emPower has been committed to regularly gathering Christians in Sheffield to pray for our city for over a decade and is excited to wholeheartedly commend this prayer walk and these missional opportunities to all Christians in our city.”
Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.
Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper
Jeremiah 29:7 (NIV)